

  • Structure and composition

    • Composition

      • Water: 50%–60% of total tendon weight

      • Collagen: 75% of dry weight

        • 95% type I collagen, also type III collagen

      • Elastin: 1%–2% of dry weight

        • Highly elastic protein that allows tendon to resume its shape after stretching



          FIG. 1.44 Tendon and ligament architecture.

          From Brinker MR, Miller MD: Fundamentals of orthopaedics,

          Philadelphia, 1999, Saunders, p 15.


        • Also responsible for “toe region” of stress-strain curve

      • Proteoglycans

        • Decorin—most predominant proteoglycan in tendons. Regulates tendon diameter and provides cross-links between collagen fibers. Also shown to have antifibrotic properties via inhibition of TGF-β1.

        • Aggrecan—present at points of tendon compression

        • Biglycan

      • Tenocytes (fibroblasts):

        • Derived from mesoderm

        • Function to synthesize ECM, collagen, and proteoglycans

        • Assemble early collagen fibrils and produce matrix-degrading enzymes (MMPs)

        • Detect strain during tendon loading though deflection of cell cilia

        • Tenocyte production of collagen increases tendon healing and reduces repair ruptures.

        • Role in tendinopathy (due to inflammatory


    • Structure

      mediator production)

      • Tenocytes produce type III collagen in response to rupture.

      • Greater proportion of type III collagen, naturally seen in Achilles tendon, predisposes tendons to rupture.

        • Strands of collagen (triple helix of two α1 chains and one α2 chain) organized into microfibrils, which in turn make up fibrils, fascicles, and tendon

        • Fascicles surrounded by endotendon (contiguous with epitendon covering entire tendon)

          • Carry the neurovascular and lymphatic supply of tendons

          • Composed of type III collagen

          • With aging, more type I collagen strands interdigitate between type III collagen strands.

        • Covered by paratenon (Achilles, patellar tendons) versus synovium (digital flexor tendons)

          • Higher vascularity of paratenon leads to increased healing.

        • Sheathed tendons

        • Myotendinous junction

          • Actin microfilaments extend from the last Z line

          • These are linked to the sarcolemma, which in turn connects to the collagen fibril–rich matrix of the tendon.

        • Bone-tendon junction (direct vs. indirect)

          • Direct (fibrocartilaginous) insertion

            • Usually in areas subject to high tensile load

            • Four layers: tendon, fibrocartilage, mineralized fibrocartilage, and bone

          • Indirect Insertion

            • Fibers insert directly into periosteum through Sharpey fibers

  • Mechanical properties

    • Anisotropic: properties vary depending on direction of applied force

    • Viscoelastic: properties vary depending on rate of force application






      FIG. 1.45 (A) India ink specimen demonstrating the vascular supply of the flexor tendons via vincula. (B) Close-up of the specimen.

      From Simon SR, editor: Orthopaedic basic science, ed 2, Rosemont, IL, 1994, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, p 51.


      • Creep: increasing deformation under constant load

      • Stress relaxation: decreasing stress with constant deformation (elongation)

      • Hysteresis: during loading and unloading, the unloading curve is different from the loading curve. The difference between the two represents the amount of energy that is lost during loading.

    • Stress-strain curve

      • Rest: collagen fibers are “crimped.”

      • Toe region: flattening of crimp; nonlinear; tendon stretched easily

      • Linear region: intermediate loads

      • Failure

  • Injury and healing

    • Three stages of tendon healing

      • Inflammation

        • Hematoma formation following by resorption

        • Type III collagen is produced at the injury site by tenocytes.

        • Weakest stage of repair

      • Proliferation: maximal type III collagen production

      • Remodeling:

        • Begins at 6 weeks

        • Decreases cellularity

        • Type I collagen predominates

    • Two mechanisms:

      • Intrinsic: recruitment of local stem/progenitor cells from endotenon and epitenon

      • Extrinsic: cells from surrounding tissue invade damaged area.

        • Faster but primary source of adhesions

    • Achilles, patellar, and supraspinatus tendons are prone to rupture at

      hypovascular areas.

      • Achilles tendon is hypovascular 4–6 cm proximal to calcaneal insertion.

    • Responsive to different cytokines and growth factors

      • PDGF genes transfected into tenocytes show collagen formation.

      • VEGF genes transfected into tenocytes show TGF-β upregulation and adhesion formation.

      • When exposed to PMNs (as with inflammation), tenocytes upregulate genes for inflammatory cytokines, TGF-β, and MMPs while suppressing type I collagen expression.

    • Surgical tendon repairs: weakest at 7–10 days

      • Maximum strength achieved at 6 months, reaching two-thirds of original strength.

      • No evidence in favor of a trough (exposing tendon to cancellous bone) over direct repair to cortical bone.

    • Motion and mechanical loading have beneficial effects on tenocyte function.

    • Immobilization decreases strength at tendon-bone interface.