Arab Board Orthopedic MCQs Online Bank - Improve Your Knowledge and Skills

Arab Board Orthopedic MCQs Online Bank

Arab Board Orthopedic MCQs Online Bank - Improve Your Knowledge and Skills

26. A 14-year-old boy complains of pain along the medial aspect of the thigh, more severe at night. A bone scan reveals a double density sign with a maximum uptake in the center of a 1cm diameter lesion. The most likely diagnosis would be:

Answer: C

A 14-year-old boy complaining of pain along the medial aspect of the thigh, more severe at night, with a double density sign on bone scan with a maximum uptake in the center of a 1cm diameter lesion, is most likely to have osteoid osteoma.

List of Answers and Explanations

  1. Answer: D

    A 14-year-old boy complaining of pain along the medial aspect of the thigh, more severe at night, with a double density sign on bone scan with a maximum uptake in the center of a 1cm diameter lesion, is most likely to have osteoid osteoma.

  2. Answer: A

    When a patient presents with multiple exostoses and the direction of the stalk points towards the joint, the diagnosis would most likely be osteochondromatosis.

  3. Answer: B

    Absorption of phosphate from the intestine is mainly from the lower end of the jejunum.

  4. Answer: A

    Giving parathormone at alternate times is an anabolic process on bone.

  5. Answer: B

    PTH increase results in an increased excretion of phosphate from the kidneys.

  6. Answer: C

    Calcitonin is the hormone that inhibits osteoclast-mediated bone resorption.

  7. Answer: C

    An Erlenmeyer-flask deformity of the distal femur and bone necrosis is associated with Gaucher's disease.

  8. Answer: D

    Parathormone is produced by chief cells within the parathyroid gland.

  9. Answer: E

    In the kidneys, parathormone stimulates resorption of calcium and excretion of phosphate through the tubules.

  10. Answer: A

    Intermittent administration of parathormone (1-34 parathormone) results in an overall anabolic effect on bone.