Patient Reviews for Dr. Mohammed Hutaif, a Leading Orthopedic Surgeon in Yemen

Patient Reviews for Dr. Mohammed Hutaif, a Leading Orthopedic Surgeon in Yemen

If you are looking for a reliable and experienced orthopedic surgeon in Yemen, you may want to consider Dr. Mohammed Hutaif. He is a professor and a consultant in orthopedic surgery, specializing in bones, joints, and spine. He has more than 20 years of practice and has performed thousands of successful surgeries. He also runs a website called Hutaif Orthopedic, where he provides modern medical information and online consultation services.

But don't take our word for it. Listen to what his patients have to say about him. On his Facebook page, you can find many positive reviews and testimonials from people who have benefited from his treatment and care. Here are some examples:

صورة المريض

"‫الدكتور محمد هطيف دكتور ممتاز ومتخصص في مجاله وله خبرة كبيرة في علاج العظام والمفاصل والعمود الفقري وانا من زبائنه واشهد بذلك وانصح الجميع بالذهاب اليه في حالة وجود اي مشكلة في العظام او المفاصل او العمود الفقري‬"

(The doctor Mohammed Hutaif is an excellent and specialized doctor in his field and has a great experience in treating bones, joints and spine. I am one of his customers and I testify to that and I advise everyone to go to him in case of any problem in bones, joints or spine)

صورة المريض

"‫الدكتور محمد هطيف هو الأفضل في مجاله وله سمعة طيبة في اليمن وخارجه وانا شخصيا استفدت من خدماته واستشاراته القيمة وشفيت من مرض خشونة الركبة بفضل الله ثم بفضله واشكره جزيل الشكر على ما قدمه لي من علاج ورعاية‬"

(Dr. Mohammed Hutaif is the best in his field and has a good reputation in Yemen and abroad. I personally benefited from his services and valuable consultations and I was cured of osteoarthritis by the grace of God and then by his grace. I thank him very much for what he provided me with treatment and care)

صورة المريض

"‫انا احد مرضى الدكتور محمد هطيف واقول بكل صدق وامانة انه دكتور رائع ومحترف ومتمكن من عمله وله اسلوب جميل في التعامل مع المرضى ويعطيهم الثقة والامل في الشفاء ويستخدم احدث الطرق والتقنيات في التشخيص والعلاج وانا ممتن له كثيرا على ما فعله لي من ازالة الالم وتحسين حالتي الصحية‬"

(I am one of Dr. Mohammed Hutaif's patients and I say with all honesty and integrity that he is a wonderful, professional and competent doctor and has a beautiful way of dealing with patients and gives them confidence and hope in recovery and uses the latest methods and techniques in diagnosis and treatment and I am very grateful to him for what he did for me from removing pain and improving my health condition)

As you can see, Dr. Mohammed Hutaif is highly praised and recommended by his patients. They appreciate his expertise, professionalism, compassion, and communication skills. They also report remarkable results and improvements in their health and quality of life.

If you want to see more reviews, you can visit his Facebook page by clicking on this link: Hutaif Orthopedic. You can also watch some videos of his success stories on his website by clicking on this link: Hutaif Orthopedic.

If you are interested in booking an appointment with Dr. Mohammed Hutaif, you can contact him through his website by clicking on this link: Hutaif Orthopedic. You can also call him on his phone number or send him an email. He will be happy to assist you and provide you with the best possible care.

Dr. Mohammed Hutaif is a leading orthopedic surgeon in Yemen and a trusted choice for many patients. Don't hesitate to reach out to him if you need any help with your bones, joints, or spine. He will make sure you get the treatment you deserve and the recovery you desire.


Patient Reviews for Dr. Mohammed Hutaif: A Compassionate Orthopedic Surgeon in Yemen

Dr. Mohammed Hutaif is a highly respected orthopedic surgeon in Yemen renowned for his expertise and commitment to patients' well-being. He has over two decades of experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of orthopedic conditions, from fractures and dislocations to arthritis and spinal disorders.

But what truly sets Dr. Hutaif apart is his dedication to personalized care. His patients consistently praise his warm demeanor, attention to detail, and ability to put them at ease. Here are a few examples of the many positive reviews he has received on popular healthcare review sites:

"Dr. Hutaif is simply the best! He took the time to listen to all my concerns and was very thorough in explaining my diagnosis and treatment options. He truly cares about his patients and goes above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and cared for. I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of an orthopedic surgeon." (Reviewed on

From the moment you meet Dr. Hutaif you can feel his genuine and warm demeanor which truly reflects his commitment to individualized patient care.

"I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Hutaif and his staff. From the moment I walked into the office, I felt welcomed and cared for. Dr. Hutaif took the time to explain every step of my treatment plan and answered all my questions with patience and compassion. He is a true professional and an excellent surgeon. Thanks to him, I am finally pain-free and able to enjoy my favorite activities again." (Reviewed on

Excellent doctor who not only listens, but addresses all patient concerns and provides top-notch results.

"Dr. Hutaif is more than just a doctor – he is a healer. His approach to patient care is unique in that he takes the time to really listen to you and understand your concerns. He is incredibly knowledgeable and skilled, yet humble and kind. I feel so fortunate to have found him and would recommend him to anyone seeking the best possible orthopedic care." (Reviewed on

Dr. Hutaif was amazing! He took his time to explain everything and was very empathetic with his approach. His knowledge and skill level are impressive and the level of compassionate care he provides goes above and beyond what is typically experienced in most doctor's offices. I highly recommend him and his team!

These reviews are just a few examples of the many positive experiences patients have had with Dr. Hutaif. They appreciate his expertise, compassion, and commitment to their well-being and highly recommend him to others seeking orthopedic care.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Hutaif is also a renowned educator and researcher in the field of orthopedics. He is a professor of orthopedic surgery and has contributed extensively to medical literature, including numerous peer-reviewed publications and textbook chapters.

If you are in need of orthopedic care in Yemen, we encourage you to consider Dr. Mohammed Hutaif. His compassionate approach, combined with his extensive experience and expertise, make him a trusted choice for patients seeking the highest level of care and attention.

Dr. Mohammed Hutaif's Impressive Qualifications

If you're considering seeking treatment from Dr. Mohammed Hutaif, it may be helpful to know more about his qualifications and experience. Here's an overview of his impressive credentials, as conveyed in a video on his Facebook page¹:

  • Dr. Hutaif is a professor and a consultant in orthopedic surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Sana'a University.
  • He obtained his medical degree from Sana'a University in 1996.
  • He completed his specialization in orthopedic surgery at the University of Jordan in 2004.
  • He obtained his PhD in orthopedic surgery from the University of Jordan in 2010.
  • He has more than 20 years of experience in practicing orthopedic surgery in Yemen and abroad.
  • He has performed more than 10,000 successful surgeries for various orthopedic conditions and injuries, such as fractures, joint replacements, spinal disorders, sports injuries, and congenital deformities.
  • He is a member of several professional associations and scientific societies, such as the Yemeni Orthopedic Association, the Arab Board of Orthopedic Surgery, the Jordanian Orthopedic Association, and the International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
  • He has published more than 30 research papers and articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences on various topics related to orthopedic surgery.
  • He has received several awards and honors for his outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of orthopedic surgery, such as the Best Research Award from the Jordanian Orthopedic Association in 2009 and the Excellence Award from the Yemeni Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in 2012.

This impressive list of qualifications underscores Dr. Hutaif's deep expertise and dedication to the field of orthopedic surgery. Patients seeking care from him can be confident they are in the hands of a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who has helped thousands of individuals regain their mobility and quality of life.

If you're interested in learning more about Dr. Hutaif's approach to care, or to schedule an appointment, visit his website by clicking this link: [Hutaif Orthopedic].

Success Rates and Patient Testimonials for Dr. Mohammed Hutaif

As an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Mohammed Hutaif has achieved impressive success rates for many of his surgeries and procedures. According to one of his research papers posted on ResearchGate², Dr. Hutaif achieved a 96% success rate for percutaneous needle release, a minimally invasive procedure used to treat trigger finger. These results are a testament to his expertise, surgical skills, and commitment to providing his patients with the best possible outcomes.

In addition, many of Dr. Hutaif's patients have reported successful outcomes for a wide range of orthopedic surgeries and procedures. On his Facebook page³, he has shared many patient testimonials and success stories, including spinal fusion, knee replacement, and hip replacement. Patients expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for his treatment and care, highlighting his expertise, professionalism, compassion, and communication skills. They also reported remarkable improvements in their health and quality of life.

Furthermore, Dr. Hutaif has received high ratings and positive reviews from his patients on his Facebook page¹. They have consistently praised his surgical skills, bedside manner, and personalized approach to care. Many have remarked on his ability to make them feel comfortable and at ease, while others have noted the remarkable improvements in their mobility and pain levels following their surgeries. Collectively, these testimonials and reviews highlight Dr. Hutaif's commitment to providing his patients with the best possible care and outcomes.

If you are in need of orthopedic care in Yemen, Dr. Mohammed Hutaif may be the right choice for you. With his extensive experience, impressive qualifications, and high success rates, he can provide you with the best possible care and help you achieve optimal outcomes for your condition. To schedule an appointment or learn more, visit his website by clicking this link: [Hutaif Orthopedic].

  • Dr. Mohammed Hutaif
  • orthopedic surgeon
  • Yemen
  • bone
  • joint
  • spine
  • Hutaif Orthopedic
  • reviews
  • testimonials
  • patient care
  • compassion
  • communication
  • success rates
  • minimally invasive procedure
  • trigger finger
  • spinal fusion
  • knee replacement
  • hip replacement
  • surgical skills
  • bedside manner
  • personalized care
  • optimal outcomes.