Understanding Kienbock Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Discover the Latest Techniques for Managing Kienbock's Disease: Vascularized Bone Grafts and More

History of Trauma
Multiple factors
Repetitive trauma
Ulnar Negative Variance
Increased radial-lunate contact stress
Decreased radial inclination
Wrist radiographs
MRI for early disease detection
Minimally Symptomatic Treatment
NSAIDs and observation
Operative Procedures
Depends on severity and symptoms
Adolescent with Radiographic Evidence
Temporary pinning
Stage I, II, IIIA with Ulnar Negative Variance
Radial shortening osteotomy
Ulnar lengthening
Stage I, II, IIIA with Ulnar Positive or Neutral Variance
Radial wedge osteotomy
STT fusion
Stage I, II, IIIA, IIIB Disease
Vascularized bone grafts
STT Fusion, Scaphocapitate Fusion, Proximal Row Carpectomy
Stage II, IIIA, IIIB Disease
Wrist Fusion or Total Wrist Arthroplasty
Stage IV Disease
Unrecognized and Untreated
Disease progression and debilitation

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction

  2. Epidemiology

    • most common in males between 20-40 years old
    • Risk factors: history of trauma
  3. Etiology and Pathophysiology

    • thought to be caused by multiple factors
  4. Anatomy and Blood Supply to Lunate

    • three variations: Y-pattern, X-pattern, and I-pattern
  5. Classification (Lichtman)

  6. Stage Description Treatment
    I No visible changes on x-ray, changes seen on MRI. Immobilization and NSAIDS.
    II Sclerosis of lunate. Joint leveling procedure (ulnar negative patients). Radial wedge osteotomy or STT fusion (ulnar neutral patients). Distal radius core decompression. Revascularization procedures.
    IIIA Lunate collapse, no scaphoid rotation. Same as Stage II with the addition of vascularized bone grafts.
    IIIB Lunate collapse, fixed scaphoid rotation. Proximal row carpectomy, STT fusion, or SC fusion.
    IV Degenerated adjacent intercarpal joints. Wrist fusion, proximal row carpectomy, or limited intercarpal fusion.
  7. Clinical Presentation

    • Symptoms: dorsal wrist pain
    • Physical exam: inspection and palpation
  8. Imaging

    • Wrist radiographs recommended views: AP, lateral, oblique views of wrist
    • CT: most useful once lunate collapse has already occurred
    • MRI: best for diagnosing early disease
  9. Treatment

    • Nonoperative treatment: observation, immobilization, NSAIDS
    • Operative treatment: depends on severity and symptoms
  10. Techniques

    • Vascularized bone grafts
    • Impact of surgical procedure on radiolunate contact stress

    Ulnar Variance Diagram

    Ulnar variance diagram
    Risk Factors
    Ulnar Negative Variance
    Repetitive Trauma
    Adolescent Patients
    Radial Shortening Osteotomy
    Wrist Fusion