K-Wire Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures With and Without External Fixation

K-Wire Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures With and Without External Fixation



■    Distal  radius fractures occur at the distal end of the bone, originating in the metaphyseal region and often extending to the radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joints.
■    Distal   radius  fractures  can   be   classified  as   stable  or unstable and extra- or intra-articular to  assist in treatment decisions.
■    Fractures may angulate dorsal or volar and may have signif- icant comminution, depending on the energy of the injury and the quality of the bone.
■    Percutaneous pins  or  K-wires,  typically  0.062-  or  0.045- inch, can be used for unstable intra-articular or extra-articular fractures with mild comminution and no osteoporosis.
■    Percutaneous pins can aid reduction and stabilize the frag- ments in a minimally invasive manner.
■    Percutaneous pins can support the subchondral area of the distal  radius and  maintain  the articular reduction in  highly comminuted fractures, which  is useful in combined fixation methods.
■    Smooth  percutaneous pins may also be placed across the physis to maintain a reduction in children without causing a growth arrest.
■    Highly comminuted fractures are more difficult to fix rigidly and often require internal and external fixation  to  maintain alignment during healing.
■    External fixators can be hinged or static, and may or may not bridge the wrist joint.


■    The  distal  radius  consists of  three articular  surfaces: the scaphoid fossa, the lunate fossa, and the sigmoid notch.
■    Ligamentotaxis aids in the reduction of intra-articular and comminuted fractures.
■    Volar  ligamentous attachments include the radioscapho- capitate, long radiolunate, and short radiolunate ligaments.
■    Dorsal ligamentous attachments include the dorsal inter- carpal and radiocarpal ligaments.
■    Dorsal and radial to the second metacarpal lie the first dor- sal interosseous muscle and the terminal branches of the radial sensory nerve.
■    The distal radial sensory nerve branches lie superficial to the distal radius and should be protected during dissection and pin placement.
■    The radial sensory nerve emerges between the brachioradi- alis and the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) muscle bellies (FIG  1).
■    The terminal branches of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous
nerve lie superficial to the forearm fascia at the radial wrist.
■    There is a bare spot of  bone between the first and second dorsal compartments in the region of the radial styloid.
■    The  brachioradialis  tendon inserts onto  the radial  styloid adjacent to the first dorsal compartment.
■    The extensor carpi radialis longus and the extensor carpi ra- dialis brevis lie dorsal to the brachioradialis in the second dor- sal compartment.
■    Lister’s tubercle is dorsal,  with the extensor pollicis longus
(EPL) tendon on its ulnar side, in the third dorsal compartment.
■    The extensor digitorum communis tendons lie over the dorsal ulnar half of the distal radius in the fourth dorsal compartment.
■    The  extensor digiti  minimi  lies over the distal  radioulnar joint (DRUJ) in the fifth dorsal compartment.


■    Distal radius fractures are the most common fractures of the upper extremity in adults, representing about 20% of all frac- tures seen in the emergency room.17
■    Mechanism  of  injury typically is a fall  on an outstretched hand with axial  loading,  but other common histories include motor vehicle accidents or pathologic fractures.
■    Higher-energy injuries cause increased comminution,  angu- lation, and displacement.
■    Osteoporosis,  tumors, and metabolic bone diseases are risk factors for sustaining pathologic distal radius fractures.
■    In children, fractures typically occur along the physis due to its relative weakness compared to the surrounding ligaments.


■    Distal radius fractures needing no reduction and those that are stable after reduction typically recover functional range of motion with minimal long-term sequelae.
Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor pollicis brevis      Abductor pollicis    2162 Extensor pollicis longus longus Superficial branch of the radial nerve  Brachioradialis muscle

FIG 1 • Anatomy surrounding the radial sensory nerve branch in the forearm.

■    Three parameters that affect outcome include articular con- gruity, angulation, and shortening.16,20
■    1 to 2 mm of articular surface incongruity of the distal ra- dius can lead to degenerative changes, pain, and stiffness.
■    Dorsal angulation can lead to decreased range of motion and increased load transfer to the ulna.
■    Radial shortening can lead to decreased range of motion, pain, and ulnar impaction of the carpus.


■    The history of a fall on an outstretched hand is the most com- mon presentation for a patient with a distal radius fracture.
■    Motor  vehicle or motorcycle accidents and osteoporosis ac- count for most comminuted fractures.
■    It may be clinically  indicated to  implement a  workup  for osteoporosis.
■    Pain, tenderness, swelling, crepitus, deformity, ecchymosis, and decreased range of motion at the wrist are typical symp- toms and warrant radiographic evaluation.
■    Physical examination should include the following:
■    Inspection: Evaluate the integrity of the skin, cascade of the digits, direction of displacement, and presence of any swelling.
■    Identify points of  maximal  tenderness  to differentiate be- tween distal radius injuries and carpal or ligamentous injuries.
■    Touch or press specific areas of the wrist and hand to dif- ferentiate distal intra-articular, DRUJ, and carpal injuries.
■    Two-point  discrimination: Higher  than  normal  (5 mm) results in the form of progressive neurologic deficit may sig- nify an acute carpal tunnel syndrome or ulnar neuropathy.
■    Passive finger stretch test to assist with diagnosis of com- partment syndrome.
■    EPL tendon function should be evaluated.
■    EPL assessment: Assess the resting position of the thumb interphalangeal joint and the patient’s ability to lift the thumb off of a flat surface to determine the continuity of the EPL tendon.
■    Palpation of forearm and elbow to assess for concomitant injury proximally.
■    The DRUJ must be assessed for displacement.
■    The bony anatomy must be carefully evaluated to avoid missing minimally displaced fractures, which may displace without treatment.
■    Skin should be assessed to avoid missing an open fracture.
■    Swelling should be monitored to allow for early diagnosis of compartment syndrome.
■    Sensory examination should be monitored for progressive changes, which may represent acute carpal tunnel syndrome.


■    Radiographic   evaluation   should   include  posteroanterior (PA), lateral, and oblique views to assess displacement, angu- lation,  comminution,   and  intra-articular  involvement,  and allow for radiologic measurements.14,17
■    Lateral articular (volar) tilt is the angle between the radial shaft and a tangential line parallel to the articular margin as seen on  the  lateral  view  (FIG   2A).  The  normal  angle  is
11 degrees.
■    Radial inclination, measured on the PA view (FIG  2B),  is the angle between a line perpendicular to the shaft of  the radius at the ulnar articular margin and the tangential line

A. Lateral radiograph of the wrist demonstrating volar tilt (black lines). B. PA radiograph demonstrating radial incli- nation (black lines), ulnar variance (red bracket), and radial height (white bracket).

FIG 2 • A.  Lateral radiograph of the wrist  demonstrating volar tilt  (black lines).  B.  PA radiograph demonstrating radial incli- nation (black lines),  ulnar variance (red  bracket), and radial height (white bracket).

along  the radial styloid to the ulnar articular margin.  The normal angle is 22 degrees.
■    Ulnar variance, also measured on the PA view (see Fig 2B), is the distance between the radial and ulnar articular surfaces. Ulnar variance is compared to the contralateral side.
■    Traction  radiographs  help  assess intra-articular  involve- ment, intercarpal ligamentous injury, and potential fracture re- duction through ligamentotaxis.
■    CT  scans are useful in fully elucidating the anatomy of the fracture,  including  impaction,  comminution,  and  size of  the fragments.
■    CT  scans often significantly alter the original treatment plan.11
■    MRI is rarely performed acutely but can diagnose concomi- tant ligamentous injuries, triangular fibrocartilage complex in- juries, and occult carpal fractures.


■    Bony contusion
■    Radiocarpal dislocation
■    Scaphoid or other carpal fracture
■    Perilunate or lunate fracture dislocation
■    Distal ulna fracture
■    Wrist ligament or triangular fibrocartilage complex injury
■    DRUJ injury


■    Conservative treatment consists of  splinting or casting for stable fracture patterns using a three-point mold.
■    Fractures amenable to nonoperative treatment include frac- tures that are stable after reduction with minimal metaphyseal comminution, shortening, angulation, and displacement.
■    Evaluation  for  secondary displacement weekly for  2  to
3 weeks is critical as the swelling subsides.
■    Unstable patterns will displace if not surgically stabilized.
■    There is little role for  nonoperative treatment in highly comminuted fractures.
■    The physiologic age, medical comorbidities, and functional level of  the patient should be considered in determining the need for surgical treatment.
■    Early range of motion of the nonimmobilized joints is essen- tial  in  the  nonoperative  treatment of  all  fractures near  the wrist to prevent contracture.
■  The cast or splint must not extend past the metacar- pophalangeal joints so as to allow digital motion.


■    Surgical treatments are indicated to prevent malunion and improve pain control, function, and range of motion.
■    Surgery  is  reserved for  unstable  fractures,  including  dis- placed, intra-articular, comminuted, or severely angulated in- juries and fractures that displace following  attempted closed management.
■    Percutaneous pinning can assist in obtaining and maintain- ing reduction of displaced fractures with limited comminution in a minimally invasive manner.
■    External fixators maintain radius length but cannot always control angulation and displacement; therefore, supplementa- tion with percutaneous pins is typically performed.2
■    Conversely, external fixators may augment percutaneous pins and plate fixation when extensive comminution is present.
■    Supplemental external fixation  should be considered for fractures with comminution of over 50% of the diameter of the radius on a lateral view.
■    External  fixation  may be used as a neutralization device, because the  distraction  forces  decrease soon  after  fracture reduction.
■    External  fixators  also  are useful for  “damage  control  or- thopaedics” to temporarily stabilize wrist fractures, especially for complex, combined, open injuries.
■    For  nonbridging  external  fixation,   there must be at  least
1  cm  of  volar  cortex  intact  and  adequate fragment sizes to allow proper pin placement.
■    A  relative contraindication to pin fixation  with or without external fixation  is a volar shear injury, which should be re- duced and stabilized using a volar plate and screws.

Preoperative Planning

■    All   radiographs  should  be  reviewed before  surgery  and brought into the operating room.
■    Analysis of the pattern and presumed stability of the frac- ture  fragments  determines whether  percutaneous  fixation, with or without external fixation,  is suitable.
■    For intra-articular fractures, the specific fragments to be re- duced and fixed must be identified preoperatively to avoid in- complete reduction of the joint surface.
■    The surgeon must be prepared to change his or her manage- ment decision intraoperatively if the fracture behavior is differ- ent than anticipated. A  variety of  fixation  devices should be available in the operating room.


■    The patient is positioned supine on the operating table with a radiolucent arm board.
FIG 3 • Positioning of patient supine on the hand table with tourniquet in place.
FIG 3 • Positioning of patient supine on  the hand table with tourniquet in place.
■    A tourniquet is applied near the axilla with the splint still in place (FIG  3).
■    Fluoroscopy should be used for reduction confirmation and
fixation throughout the procedure.
■    There must be enough range of motion of the shoulder and elbow to allow standard AP,  lateral, and oblique images.


■    Various approaches can be used in the application of exter- nal fixators and the insertion of percutaneous pins.
■    Distal  external fixator  half-pins may be placed directly into the second metacarpal or into other carpal bones (for injuries in- cluding the second metacarpal). Wires and half-pins, which are non-bridging fixators, may be placed in the distal radius itself.
■    Percutaneous pins can be inserted through the radial styloid between the first and  second dorsal compartments, through Lister’s tubercle, through the interval between the fourth and fifth dorsal compartments, and across the DRUJ (FIG  4).
■    Caution  is taken to avoid skewering tendons and nerves
and to avoid penetrating the articular surface.

Compartment 5 Compartment 4                        Compartment 6         Compartment 3   Compartment 2  Compartment 1    Lister’s tubercle   Tubercle between 4th and 5th compartments

FIG 4 • Areas  for  K-wire  insertion at the distal radius.



■            Closed   reduction should be  performed before fixation using distraction and palmar translation of the distal ra- dius  fragment and carpus.1
■            Use of a padded bump or towel roll will aid in the reduc-
tion (TECH FIG 1).
■            Overdistraction will  cause increased dorsal angulation due to the intact short, stout volar  ligaments.1
■            Excessive palmar flexion of the wrist  can restore volar  tilt
but  leads to  an   increased  incidence  of   stiffness and carpal tunnel syndrome.7
■            Overdistraction can  be  assessed by measuring the carpal
height index, measuring the radioscaphoid and midcarpal joint spaces, checking full finger flexion into the palm, or evaluating index finger extrinsic extensor tightness.8
Closed  reduction over  a towel bump using trac- tion and palmar translation

TECH FIG 1 • Closed  reduction over  a towel bump using trac- tion and palmar translation.




■            Closed  reduction is obtained using a bump, and the re- duction is confirmed using fluoroscopy.
■            This technique should be  employed in patients younger
than 55 years  of age with minimal comminution. It should not be  used in  osteoporotic, elderly patients  or  those with comminution secondary to a  higher loss  of  reduc- tion. External fixation should be used to supplement pin- ning in these populations.21
■            A  stab  incision is  made  radially, and  a   0.062-inch pin is manually inserted into the fracture site, taking care to protect the sensory nerve branches and the first  dor- sal compartment tendons (TECH FIG 2A).
■       The  pin  is angled distal, levering the bone back  into
its  normal position and restoring the radial inclina- tion (TECH FIG 2B).  The pin  is advanced through the far cortex using power, acting as a buttress to prevent loss of radial inclination (TECH FIG 2C).
A.  An incision is made over  the radial styloid and a K-wire is manually inserted into the fracture site.  B. The wire is levered distally to correct the radial inclination. C.  The wire  is advanced proximally, using power, into cortical bone. D.  An incision is made over  Lister’s tubercle, and a wire  is inserted into the fracture site.  E,F. The wire  is levered distally to correct the dorsal angulation  and advanced proximally using power into cortical bone.

TECH FIG 2 • A.  An incision is made over  the radial styloid and a K-wire is manually inserted into the fracture site.  B. The wire is levered distally to correct the radial inclination. C.  The wire  is advanced proximally, using power, into cortical bone. D.  An incision is made over  Lister’s tubercle, and a wire  is inserted into the fracture site.  E,F. The wire  is levered distally to correct the dorsal angulation  and advanced proximally using power into cortical bone.

■            A second stab incision is placed dorsally, and a second pin is manually inserted into the fracture (TECH FIG 2D).
■       The  pin  is angled distal, levering the bone back  into
its normal position and restoring the volar  tilt  (TECH FIG 2E).  The pin is advanced through the volar  cortex using power, acting as  a  buttress to prevent loss  of volar  tilt  (TECH FIG 2F).
■            Using the modified technique, a third pin is placed retro-
grade using power, starting at the radial styloid and pro-
ceeding into the ulnar cortex of  the radius proximal to the fracture line.
■            The pins  are  buried and cut  just  below the skin,  and the
skin is sutured.
■       Alternatively, the pins  may  be  bent using two needle drivers and left  outside the skin.
■            The pins are  then cut and covered with pin caps or antibi-
otic  gauze.
■            A sterile dressing is applied, followed by a splint.


■            Closed  reduction is obtained using a bump, and the re- duction is confirmed using fluoroscopy (TECH FIG 3A,B).
■            A small incision is placed over  the bare spot on the radial
styloid between  the  first   and  second dorsal compart- ments (TECH FIG 3C).
■            Two  0.062-inch smooth  K-wires  are   placed retrograde
from the radial styloid across  the reduced fracture, en- gaging the opposite cortex in a divergent fashion (TECH FIG 3D,E).
■            A small  incision is placed over  the interval between the
fourth and fifth dorsal compartments.
■            One  or two K-wires  are  placed retrograde from the dor- sal  ulnar corner of  the distal radius across  the reduced fracture, engaging the opposite cortex in  a  divergent fashion (TECH FIG 3F–H).
■            The  pins  are  cut  just  beneath the skin,  which is closed
with a 5-0 nylon suture.
■            Alternatively, the pins  are  bent and cut  and left  outside the skin (TECH FIG 3I).
■            A dressing and splint are  then applied.
A,B. PA and lateral views demonstrating reduction of distal radius fracture. C.  The incision is made over  the radial styloid. D.  A pin  is inserted retrograde into the radial styloid. E. PA radiograph demonstrating the course of the radial styloid wire. F. Two radial styloid wires  and two dorsoulnar wires  are  in place. (continued)

TECH FIG 3 • A,B. PA and lateral views demonstrating reduction of distal radius fracture. C.  The incision is made over  the radial styloid. D.  A pin  is inserted retrograde into the radial styloid. E. PA radiograph demonstrating the course of the radial styloid wire. F. Two radial styloid wires  and two dorsoulnar wires  are  in place. (continued)